For Artists:
Artist Aisle strives to benefit both successful and emerging artists by creating several opportunities that include arranging art shows and offering art related jobs. Artist Aisle provides the appropriate materials, workstations, and studios for artists in need so that they may reach their utmost potential. There are also several kinds of art workshops available, especially for immigrant artists to utilize.
For the community:
Artist Aisle intends to bond the community through the medium of art by holding art workshops for all ages and creating publications that target various demographics. Artist Aisle’s magazine, Chaap, is a magazine for Bengali people all over North America and especially New York because of New York’s growing Bengali community. Much of the Bengali community in North America are not well-informed about Western culture and values. Homemakers are a large part of the Bengali community that are misinformed because there are currently no media outlets that specifically cater to their needs. Chaap wants to bridge the cultural gaps by informing homemakers and other Bengalis accurate information so that they have a better understanding of the new land that they have settled in. Simultaneously, Chaap targets the generation of Bengali youth who were born or raised in North America. Often times, Bengali youth are also not well informed about their heritage or culture. Chaap gives this generation of Bengali individuals the chance to learn about Bangladesh’s food, culture, history, clothing, music, art, and much more. Artist Aisle believes that it is essential for the Bengali youth in North America to understand where they came from and be proud of their heritage.
For Senior Citizens:
Artist Aisle recognizes that the seniors in the Bengali community are often neglected and forgotten. They lead lonely lives in a country they are unfamiliar with but Artist Aisle wants to make them feel welcome. Artist Aisle wants to meet their needs by holding a Senior Citizens Day where senior citizens are able to socialize with their peers and engage in various activities such as art workshops. Artist Aisle aims to begin with Bengali senior citizens but will gradually expand to include senior citizens from all the corners of the world.
Online Shop:
Artist Aisle understands that there are impoverished but talented women all over the world who lack the opportunity to showcase their talent which is why Artist Aisle’s unique online shop has products that are hand crafted by skilled rural women. Currently, the handmade products are produced in rural areas of Bangladesh but Artist Aisle intends to offer their online shop as a marketing platform for underprivileged women from all corners of the world. Artist Aisle’s online shop is unique not only due to the fact that customers receive exceptional handmade goods but because impoverished women are able to make a living for themselves and their families through the shop.